Saturday, June 8, 2013

God Calling June 6 How Men See Me

How Men See Me
June 6

I came to help a world.  And according to the varying needs 
of each so does each man see me.
It is not necessary that you see Me as others see Me-
The world, even the Church, My disciples, My followers,
but it is necessary that you see Me, each of you, as 
supplying all that you personally need.
The weak need My strength.  The strong need MY Tenderness.
The tempted and fallen need My Salvation.  The Righteous need
My Pity for sinners.  The Lonely need a Friend.  The fighters
need a Leader.
No man could be all these to men-only a God could be.
In each of these relations of Mine to man you must see the God.
The God-Friend, the God Leader, the God Savior.

Arthur James Ltd., Evesham, UK, Barbour Publishing, Inc. 
P.O. Box 719, Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683, God Calling, 1989
ISBN 978-1-55748-110-8

Beautiful Body

     The human body shares in the dignity of "the image of God": it is a human body precisely because it is animated by a spiritual soul, and it is the whole human person that is intended to become, in the body of Christ, a temple of the Spirit:232   364 pg. 93 Imprimi Potest. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Interdicasterial Commission for the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Liguori Publications, The Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994

     In laymen's terms;  All humans are created by God, in His image and likeness, so therefore deserve respect for that purpose alone.  Those that have received the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, have received and are strengthened by the Holy Spirit.  Knowing this, as Christians, we have a unique outlook and respect of our bodies and of our fellow human beings. We must not take on the perspective of the world around us in treating our bodies as something, disposable and undignified.  But as something Holy and pure.  

     Follow along as we seek enlightenment in this profound truth!  

 To Be Continued....

Mary Day by Day

June 6

Associate with a devout person whom you know to be a keeper of the commandments...In addition, trust your own judgment.
-Sir 37:12-13

REFLECTION.  Jesus has given us the Heart of His Blessed Mother.  Therefore, you can and you must make use of that Heart to love God.  For Mary's Heart is truly yours, and you must love God with all your heart!
-St. John Eudes

PRAYER.  O Immaculate Heart of Mary, I entrust myself to you.  Help me to follow your inspirations and make my heart like yours, which is in turn like the Heart of Jesus.

NIHIL OBSTAT: Daniel V. Flynn,  J.C.D..Censor Librorum, IMPRIMATUR:  Patrick J. Sheridan, D.D., Vicar General,
Archdiocese of New York, Catholic Book Publishing Co., N.Y., Mary Day by Day, 1987

This is Where I Needed to Start!

This is where I needed to start!

     One day, at a time when I was struggling with the effects of ADD (low self-esteem, and so on), a person from my church mentioned to me about attending "Eucharistic Adoration".   "What's that?"  I asked.  I mean, sure I went to church most Sundays, received communion, maybe had gone to confession once a year, and helped out with church carnivals and dinners.  What more was there?  We didn't have Eucharistic Adoration at our church.  "It's going before our Lord, in His Hidden Presence  in the Holy Eucharist, that's put in an elaborate vessel called a Monstrance."  She continued.  "You can pray, read Scripture, ask for guidance, or just sit and keep our Lord company."  She smiled at me and gave me a sheet of paper that had the times of the different churches that hosted this centuries old tradition (unawares to me).  I must admit it was appealing!
     My first experience of attending Eucharistic Adoration was nothing special, or so I thought.  I went in, walked up the main isle, and chose a pew in the middle.  I usually sat in the wing, but I was curious.  Noticing another person saying the rosary, I realized that I hadn't brought mine.  Did I even know where it was?  But I did bring my little prayer book received at My First Holy Communion. (ironically).  
     The wind was strongly blowing outside and the rafters were creaking and groaning inside.  It was a little erie and uncomfortable for me, although this was my main church growing up. 
     Opening up my little book (probably for the second time) I proceeded to
say the prayers inside, while every now and then glancing at the beautiful 
monstrance.  I remember thinking; now, we are supposed to believe that 
that's really Jesus, I mean, really, really, believe it's His body. I know we are
taught that in catechism, but do all catholics really believe this?  I couldn't get
my mind around this idea.  So I continued to read my prayers.  This went on
for about a half hour, and I started to feel anxious. My mind told me, that this was probably long enough and that I had so many things to do at home.  Was that other person going to think I didn't know what I was doing?  Wait....I don't
know what I'm doing.  Ok Jesus, it's been nice.  I feel relaxed.  See you Sunday, and out I went!
     See I told you it was nothing special.

To be continued...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Embrace Your Cross

     Welcome to the debut of Catholic Beautiful!  
And what is this all about, you ask?
It is about being human, with all our flaws and weaknesses,
but loving Christ so much that we allow him to refashion us in His Beautiful Image!

Like I mentioned in my biography, I was a real mess. 
Having ADD all of my life was & is definitely my 
Biggest Cross. (which includes) Impulsiveness, forgetfulness,
distractibility, low self-esteem, disorganization, hypersensitivity, unfocused,
and so on, and on, and on....
So what's a girl to do?
Start at the beginning!

To be continued...

(see label 'Eucharistic Adoration')